
Friday, 12月 18, 2020

室 publishes nonprofit industry economic impact study

上周, 你们的商会在圣安东尼奥举办了一次活动,展示我们首次发布的非营利性经济影响研究结果. The presentation was given by Trinity University’s Dr. 玛丽·斯特尔博士. 丰富的管家. 2019年,非营利组织 ...


Friday, 12月 18, 2020

室 finalizes 2021 State Legislative Agenda

The 87th Texas Legislative Session is fast approaching, 你们的商会已经做好准备,与州领导人就圣安东尼奥商界的重要问题进行会晤. The 室’s 董事会 adopted our state legislative agenda ...


Friday, 12月 18, 2020

LSA 45 Class 成员 Spotlight: Luke Holland

圣安东尼奥市领导层表彰了几位在2019冠状病毒病危机期间表现出色的模范成员. 今天的焦点是铜头建筑公司的总承包副总裁卢克·霍兰德你是如何独特的 ...


Friday, 12月 11, 2020

TWC Seeks Input for Child Care Development Fund

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, 作为公平复苏的一部分,获得高质量的儿童保育已成为一个重要问题. 德克萨斯州劳动力委员会(TWC)正在制定儿童保育和发展基金(CCDF)州计划 ...


Friday, 12月 11, 2020

LSA 45 Class 成员 Spotlight: Leigh Henderson

圣安东尼奥市领导层表彰了几位在2019冠状病毒病危机期间表现出色的模范成员. Today’s spotlight is on Caterpillar’s Leigh Henderson.How do you uniquely contribute to San Antonio (during this ...


Friday, 12月 4, 2020

Less than one week left until our One City Celebration

离我们今年最大、最具影响力、也是最后一件事的到来只剩下一个星期了.This event will be the culmination of an interesting and unexpected 2020, which set in motion the need for an exciting, 令人印象深刻的, 和包容性的愿景 ...


Friday, 12月 4, 2020

LSA 45 Class 成员 Spotlight: Greta McFarling

圣安东尼奥市领导层表彰了几位在2019冠状病毒病危机期间表现出色的模范成员. Today’s spotlight is on attorney Greta McFarling.How do you uniquely contribute to San Antonio (during this time)?正确的 ...



One City Celebration provides virtual Gala alternative

在其他年份, this 12月 would normally feature our 126th Annual Gala, our largest and 大多数 prestigious event of the year. 而大, in-person gatherings are not feasible, your 室 would still like to invite you to our largest, 大多数 ...


Friday, 11月 6, 2020

Texans cast record number of votes in 2020 election

This has been a Texas election season for the record books! Texans shattered the early vote numbers with 9.7 million casting their ballots before 10月 30, surpassing the 9 million total votes cast in the 2016 elections. 在选举结束前 ...
